Monday, August 21, 2006

A woman

A woman is prettier
A woman knows more about life
A woman feels much more
A woman is egoistically the Core
A woman is more erotic
A woman is more elegant
A woman is more subtle
A woman takes men in love with herself
A woman takes other women in love
A woman is in love with the Woman

The Ambiguous Lady

Poetry flows from me
it spills over and fills sheets of paper
my fountain pen draws flights of ink
I think I am poetry
I could not, I don´t want to avoid saying hello
to the Ambiguous Lady
and it grows & grows a special kind of art, my poems
that aren´t poems for anybody
except for myself
because it is mine, because I am poetry

Anda, Preciosa

"Anda, Preciosa"(inspired in a poem by Lorca)

Her moon inside her head
Androgyny dreaming about she comes

"Her moon of parchment
Preciosa playing arrives"

Androgyny is in the air

"The silence without stars"

Prettiest little girl, let me see
what behind your face is
show me, once and for all,
the softened light in your forehead
"Baby, let me rise
your dress to see you
Open in my antique fingers
the blue rose of your belly"

NOTE : the verses between inverted commas are written by García Lorca. The first quotations
mean a little girl playing the tambourine. The second one, a silence full of fears. The third quota-
tions say, more or less : girl, I want to see your feminine sex under your dress. Of course, through
a terrific metaphor alluding to a blue rose, in Lorca´s language.

On Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman the Poet
used to say I am the way
I am
and that´s enough for

And Poetry makes more beautiful
What is nice beforehand

Androgyny knows

Androgyny knows it
She knows how to love an only man
only a man to care for
and She copes perfectly well
with the matter, by Herself,
in order to convince him
that he must love Her

The lover must love Her
Androgyny is the beloved one
& She let the things that way be
only a man
only a woman
to understand they are to love each other

And nobody helps Her
Androgyny knows it, though
( from Androgyny written by George Gina)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

En la habitación de hotel que se imaginó Edward Hopper

-A. Free Lance-

Ellos han estado discutiendo durante horas. No hay solución para lo suyo.

El amor era una pasión, un fuego. No hay nada que hacer ahora.

Samantha ha amado a Jim con su cuerpo sin condiciones ni reservas, a todas horas.

Se rindió a él.

Ella declaró a su hombre su verdadero amor.

Llevaba puesto su sexy vestido rojo a pesar de que acaba de decidir secretamente no amarle más.

Jim le amaba hacía años.

Sigue leyendo el periódico.

Jim no le ama.

Los dos llevan una vida de compañeros de piso. Están de vacaciones y van a pasar un par de semanas en este hotel.

Ellos entienden el amor de maneras distintas. Uno de ambos sueña con una pareja tierna que le cubra de besos todas las noches.

En defensa de una dama

-A. Free Lance-

Enigmática, aparece ella sola en la lejanía. Esta mujer de pelo corto -media melena- ni siquiera vuelve la cara bronceada de sol cada vez que paso a su lado.

Es extraña como todas las mujeres.

La observo sin ser notado y, de pronto, la veo diferente, transformada. Mueve su figura desde la cabeza y se adivinan unas caderas y vientre hermosos, de mujer con secreto.

Siempre paso a su lado y sonrío enamorado de esta reina sureña de dobles significados.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The beggar

Once more that man gets down
the love of that woman is not for him
this fire inside a beggar´s heart belongs to the whim
of a soul of an angel of wrath